Preliminary Report on Surgical Repair of Superficial Femoral Vein Valve in the Treatment of Primary Valvular Incompetence of the Deep Veins of Lower Extremity 股浅静脉瓣膜修复术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的初步报告
Both femoral veins should be ringed in the treatment of primary valvular incompetence of double deep vein deformity. 对双股静脉畸形的原发性深静脉瓣膜功能不全,应同时行双股浅静脉第1对瓣膜戴戒术。
Formation of substitute valve outside the popliteal vein was suitable for level ⅲ~ⅳ venous valvular incompetence or congenital valvular defect. 肌袢成形术适用于深静脉瓣膜功能不全倒流Ⅲ级~Ⅳ级或先天性瓣膜功能缺陷;
Preliminary Report on Surgical Correction of Valvular Incompetence of Femoral Vein by Encircling Suture of Femoral Venous Walls 股静脉壁环缝术治疗股静脉瓣功能不全的初步报导
Treatment of primary valvular incompetence of the leg venae profundae by ringing valve of the venae superficiales femoris 股静脉瓣环缩治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣功能不全
Conclusions Both valvular insufficiency of the great or less saphenous vein and the perforating venous incompetence should be treated simultaneously in patients with lower extremity varicosis complicated with chronic ulcers. 结论下肢静脉曲张并发慢性溃疡的患者须同时处理大隐静脉或小隐静脉的瓣膜功能不全及贯通静脉功能不全。
Conclusion: Valvular incompetence of the saphenous-femoral vein was a pathologic change with high incidence, and it was very important to redress valvular incompetence of deep veins but not to neglect to correct valvular incompetence of saphenous-femoral vein during operation. 结论:隐-股静脉瓣膜功能不全仅是下肢静脉曲张的一种常见病理变化,下肢静脉曲张手术时重点要纠正深静脉瓣膜功能不全,但不能忽视隐-股静脉瓣膜功能不全处理。
Results: Mean positive rate of valvular incompetence of the saphenous-femoral vein was 90.14%. 结果:下肢静脉曲张隐-股静脉瓣膜功能不全平均阳性率90.14%,仅有隐-股静脉瓣膜功能不全平均阳性率16.11%。
Experience on Treatment of Femoral Venous Valvular Incompetence by Encircling Suture of Venous Wall 静脉壁环缝缩窄术治疗股静脉瓣膜关闭不全的体会
Our investigetion proved: ( 1) The deep venous valvular incompetence of lower extremities was another main cause besides venous thrombosis in lower venous hypertension. 作者认为:(1)下肢静脉高压除因下肢静脉血栓形成外,下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全是其另一个主要原因。